Larry and Tiz Huch are the pastors of New Beginnings Church in Bedford, Texas, and hosts of the weekly television broadcast New Beginnings With Pastors Larry & Tiz Huch. Across forty-five years of ministry the Huchs have planted seven churches in the United States and Australia and written several books individually and together, including 10 Curses That Block the Blessing; Releasing Family Blessing; No Limits, No Boundaries; Free at Last: Breaking Generational Curses; and The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.
The Huchs are dedicated to building bridges of peace, friendship, and unity between Christians and Jews. To that end Larry Huch serves on the board of the Israel Allies Foundation and has received awards from the Knesset Social Welfare Lobby for helping to meet the needs of the Jewish people in Israel.
In the early 1990’s Pastors, Larry and Tiz launched their television program and media ministry. It has grown, expanded, and is broadcast daily around the world in nearly every nation. Their program, New Beginnings, is watched and followed by hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been dramatically im- pacted and changed.
Pastor Larry’s signature combination of humor, dynamic teaching, relevant style, great compassion, and deep understanding of the Bible have made him one of the most popular teachers on Christian Television today. Through the ongoing faithful support of their Church congregation and Televi- sion ministry partners, they can do outreaches, feeding programs, and projects that span the globe. In places such as Zimbabwe, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Israel, and many more, these projects demonstrate the spiritual and tangible love of God and God’s people. Pastor Larry has brought many life-changing revela- tions to the body of Christ including the teachings on breaking family curses in his books, “Free at Last” and the “7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.” But perhaps the most extraordinary and important revelation is his teachings on restoring the Jewish Roots of Christianity.
Over the past several decades Pastor Larry has become a recognized authority and acclaimed writer on the Jewish roots of our Christian faith. He strongly be- lieves in studying and teaching the Word from a Jewish perspective. His books, “Torah Blessing” and “Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets” go into great depth and detail in explaining how and why the church needs to return to the ancient Hebrew understanding of the scriptures. Pastor Larry’s most recent book, “The Seven Living Prophecies,” is about Israel and its importance in the world and in these end times.
These teachings are a revelation that is not only fascinating but will bring the Bible to life as never before. Pastors Larry and Tiz are unquestionably dedicated to building bridges of peace, friendship and unity between Christians and Jews.
They live by and teach the ancient Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam “repairing a broken world” and that we are each “blessed in order to be a blessing.” Their charitable outreaches and projects in Israel have blessed, saved, and impacted multitudes of Jewish lives around the world.
We believe that the Bible, in its entirety is the inspired Word of God and is true. – 2 Timothy 3:16
We believe in One God, as Creator of all heaven and earth who has revealed Himself in the Scriptures.
We believe that the Bible – Genesis through Revelation – is God’s divinely inspired Word.
We believe that Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the Messiah and the Son of God; and we also believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, and His miracles. We believe in His complete and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and in His personal return to this earth in power and glory, and that He is now both Lord and Christ.
We believe in restoring the Jewish roots of the Christian faith; that as believers we are grafted into Israel and the revelation and heritage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through faith in the Messiah. We believe in celebrating Shabbat and the Biblical Holidays and in the importance of restoring the biblical symbols of faith including the Tallit and the mezuzah.
We believe personal salvation and eternal life have been provided for all people through the redemptive work of the Lord.
We believe through the redemptive work of our Lord, our enemy, satan, is a defeated foe. That by the power of the 7 places Jesus shed His blood every sin can be forgiven, every generational curse can be broken and every covenant blessing can be restored.
We believe in the power of Water Baptism and receiving Communion.
We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as a distinct experience from salvation that is evidenced by speaking in tongues.
We believe that signs, wonders and miracles including divine healing are part of the Redemptive work of the Lord.
We believe every believer is a part of the body of Christ, should be planted in the house of the Lord and participate weekly in church.
We believe every believer is to grow and mature in the things of God including study of the Word, prayer, tithing, serving, good works and living a righteous life.
We believe in the personal return of the Messiah and in a bodily resurrection of the dead; of both the just and the unjust.
Nearly twenty-five years ago, during his first visit to Israel, God supernaturally changed Pastor Larry’s perspective of the Holy Land and showed him how to reread the scriptures through the eyes of a Jewish Abraham, a Jewish Moses and a Jewish Jesus.
As a result, Pastor Larry, along with his wife Tiz, saw the need to share their love of Israel and the Jewish people with Christian audiences all over the world. As an avid student of the Torah, Pastor Larry has built lasting relationships with Rabbi’s and other leaders of the Jewish faith and has authored books helping Christian believers discover the importance of their Jewish roots.
This amazing journey has also led Pastors Larry and Tiz to form meaningful partnerships with many charitable projects in Israel. Just in the past 5 years, with the help of Christian friends around the world who believe in Tikkun Olam, they have donated over 12 million dollars toward saving and improving Jewish lives in Israel.
This includes supporting the Bnai Zion Medical Center in Haifa by acquiring emergency medical equipment and funding for the construction of a new underground wing of the hospital. To date they have provided 6 Mobile ICUs to Magen David Adom for making life saving calls throughout Israel and have funded the building of 18 bomb shelters at the Ahava Children’s home in Kiryat Bialak.
Larry and Tiz have long supported Holocaust survivors in Ma’ale Adumim and in recent months have pledged to provide major funding for Holocaust survivors at Yad Ezer Lechaver in Haifa. Their special relationship with Keren Hayesod through Project Aliyah is fulfilling Bible prophecy and is responsible for several thousand Jewish people returning to Israel. Pastor Larry has been honored to serve as an ambassador for Keren Hayesod, speaking at conferences in Singapore and Australia encouraging the support of Israel by Christians leaders and business people.
Pastor Larry’s long standing partnership with the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and Israel Allies Foundation has been a game changer in promoting anti BDS legislation both in America and around the world, in moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and by establishing faith based diplomacy and pro-Israel legislation in nearly 50 nations.
His work to tear down walls between Jews and Christians has accomplished many amazing things but there is still much to do to bring healing, build friendships and achieve unity between our two great religions. He is honored to be recognized here today with this incredible award and will continue to promote his love of Israel and the Jewish people until the coming of the Messiah!